The Evolution of Parenting into Authenticity

Raising Humanity
6 min readNov 7, 2020


Have you noticed that no matter the numbers of tools, techniques, and formulas in our parenting world today, it is becoming increasingly complex? The very thing it’s not meant to be?

The parenting approach that feels nourishing for a child is often one of simplicity. Of ease. Of allowance. Of space.

But when you have a whole lot of rules and ways that you are ‘supposed to’ comply with in order to get somewhere, you may just feel lost in the busyness.

This is why we speak about an integrated path for parents. Where the higher self and human self are not separate, but rather one being. This is what children already are- they are living fully embodied, where their natural guiding system is woven into their daily beliefs, actions and thoughts.

The truth is that most of this outside ‘knowledge’ has not yet travelled into our bodies. It is not spoken through our hearts, but rather our heads. Our children feel the dissonance. They are quick to say ‘you’re lying’ as my 5 year old in recent weeks, when I was fully out of integrity in what I was saying and what I was feeling. He picked up on it, as his language is one of energy.

So, there is still a gap between what we say we are and who we actually are. And this is what we address at Raising Humanity, the home of Authentic Parenting.

Essentially, authentic parenting translates into a whole lot of principles that we are only beginning to talk about in the modern day world of growth, development and consciousness.

We are building bridges between the control a modern day parent is tied down by, to the infatuation with conscious parenting ideals. We will share some of the insights below.

What Authentic Parenting it is NOT:

  1. A solo journey of denying what came before us.

Authentic parenting can not be supported by cutting ourselves off from our lineage. That would include the pain (and joy) of our parents. Our grandparents. Or our ancestors. It means we learn from the past and practice being held by all of those who walked before us. And those who will walk after us. It means that we may choose to embrace the expression of our heritage. Where we have the courage to showcase the very roots that foster more aliveness, more color, more diversity in the human experience.

Yes, you may find new family in the world.

But your true joy and inner peace will come from making amends with your birth family. Perhaps its not something you can do in person due to another’s nature but you have fully and sincerely resolved the pain in your heart.

If you are unwilling to create a bridge in all directions, you will remain feeling separate. Angry. Righteous. And more often than not when we are along with our children, this is how we are left to feel.

2. There is no framework or check boxes.

You do not have to look a certain way. Dress a certain way. Speak a certain way. Eat anything specific. Breathe in a certain manner. Nor psychoanalyze of every occurrence in your life and push to find the ‘lesson’.

The pressures of being ‘spiritual’ or conscious nowadays as a parent are tremendous. Yes, children make mistakes and fumble just as we do as adults, yet this is also a part of our evolution as a humanity. The acceptance in that gives one freedom within the process.

3. Rushing the process with a specific outcome in mind.

We are aware that no transformation can take place in a sustainable way when we are feel pressured, and our nervous systems are not relaxed. When we have this sense of time running out. Or when we feel the notion of competition in our lives. This is what new age growth and development has become.

So, we take it easy on this path. We take it slow. We don’t beat ourselves up for not knowing better, nor others if they choose differently.

And expansion is no longer something to ‘do’ constantly but something to explore, with curiosity, joy and ease. We incorporate a lot of play as it creates space for new possibilities without the struggle, and we stay in relationship rather than reading books on our owns and doing course after course in silo.

4. Authority or inequality-based

There are no teachers, yet everyone in relationship with us is here as a reflector.

You don’t try and do someone else’s process for them. Nor take away their learnings. Nor ‘save’ them. Nor push them to ‘wake up.’ You are not here as a messiah. You are here as one of us. You know, equal. No worse than, no better than as we all have a unique role on this planet. And if from being you, you are called to share insights far and wide, so be it.

5. There is no benchmark of ‘success.’

In fact, uniqueness if fully encouraged and celebrated. You can be as crazy, gregarious and in your high spirited nature as you wish. Or you can be as laid back and quiet as you wish. All of it is a part of every human. And none of it is labelled ‘bad.’

So, there is room for all. Nope, not just those who you think ‘get it.’ EVERYONE. That means the mechanic. The baker. The florist. The impoverished. The rich. The person who does meditate. The person who doesn’t meditate. The person who has read 10,843 books on personal growth and attended every seminar. And that person who has attended none.

With that share, we introduce what we see Authentic Parenting as being:

  1. Rooted in appreciating your human experience.

You are no longer trying to escape through fancy, outwardly or upwardly focused 3-hour long meditations. You actually want to be here in the human body, and be with your reality here on the Earth plane. There are no fancy list of ideals to eventually get to.

It is not heady. Spirituality and growth has become a function of how much you can retain. Rather than what you actually live out. This is of no surprise considering that the entire education system most of us were brought up with is a completely intellectually-based system. The more you can absorb in your mind, the more

2. Integrated. It is present and embodied in your physical being.

What is integration you ask? Well, we begin with asking you if you live what you say you live behind closed doors. Of course, this takes time. And reasonably consistent practice. AND it doesn’t have to be elaborate and complicated.

It is the merging of your higher purpose and your human experience. So you are one. Your awareness is not separate to you and your daily actions.

It means you deem laughter and play as sacred as your anger and deep emotional processes. It means you value the tangents and trials as much as you do being recognized as the changemaker in your home.

3. It means you get to show up. How it feels comfortable for you. In all of your mess. Without judgement.

Because you choose to be human and that is the very gift you choose to celebrate. Emotions and all.

The dissonance that takes place most of the time and the lack of trust our children feel is because we say something to pretend we ‘get it’, and are energetically relaying another message.

This path keeps you accountable. Take less in conceptually and mentally, and use as much space and time to integrate the learning through emotional exploration and movement.

Why is AUTHENTIC parenting the future of parenting?

Because it is then that children know they are enough as they are. No matter how they look, feel, behave and are. Because their parents model exactly that.

Join us. Raising Humanity is the home of Authentic Parenting.

We help parents who are committed to building a foundation of emotional safety and connection amongst one another, and their children. And raising them together.



Raising Humanity

Redefining the parenting model, to allow for highest and truest expression of parent and child.